Lifestyle Blog

#SHELFIE: More Retail Styling Techniques you can use at Home
Nov 03, 2016
Use these techniques in conjunction with the ones from our original shelf styling post and you'll be an interior style guru!
Bringing Fall Indoors
Sep 11, 2016
Seasons come with their own moods and vibes, and I enjoy fully embracing them! Summer's almost gone and as sad as that is, I'm looking forward to cozier times.
#SHELFIE: Retail Styling Techniques You can use at Home
Aug 13, 2016
Homes and stores are going to be very different of course. You don't line your bathroom counter with 12 identical bottles of shampoo! But there are absolutely similarities and cross-overs. Below I've included a few retail styling techniques you can implement into your curated shelves at home for that "perfect without trying" look.