Wrapping up the Fernwood Night Markets

Wrapping up the Fernwood Night Markets

Aug 26, 2016Arielle Moore

The month of August has been hectic and exciting for us here in the shop, we finally got to see the outcome of our long-awaited Fernwood Night Markets, and we have to say, as we've said again and again, the community here in Victoria has blown away our expectations! Every week we welcomed around 30 vendors into the square outside our shop, from artists and makers, to tacos and ice cream! We basically had a block party every Thursday this month! 

fernwood square night market

The intentions of these markets was to bring together artists in a way that would foster a creative community. And let me tell you, The vibes were felt! #communityovercompetition! Connections were made these past few weeks that will turn into amazing business endeavors, collaborations, and long lasting friendships and it makes our hearts happy knowing we had the ability to get something like this off the ground.

We couldn't have asked for more wonderful vendors, more sociable shoppers or more beautiful weather! We have already started talking about next summer's markets (yes there will be more!) If you stopped by the markets this month, thank you so much for all your support. And if not, we hope to see you next time!picot night markets in fernwood

We are also so ecstatic to say that through these markets we are able to donate $500 to the Fernwood NRG's Gift of Good Food Program. Meaning local produce will be going to neighborhood families in need for a year!

Thanks to Keegan for all these amazing photos taken on August 18th market, He truly captured the feel of the night.

picot night marketpicot night marketpicot night marketfernwood night market picotpicot fernwood night market

picot night markets in fernwoodfernwood night markets picot

Photography credit: Keegan 

instagram: @echoesandashes

email: keegan@vanderlaag.ca

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