Its been a while since I've written a blog post and I figured since there is so much going on this time of year I would share a few of my favourite things. The holidays are in full swing- you see it all over the place with event invites, decorated windows, string lights, gingerbread displays and a bustle of people downtown. In previous years I have not really loved the holidays... they always seemed a little stressful to be honest. This year, I'm taking a different approach; I'm embracing them. The Elvis Christmas album is in circulation, the rubber tree in our home is adorned with dingle-lights and strings of pom-poms, and I'm about to giggle along with the Griswalds as soon as I am done writing this blog post.
Here are 6 things I love and want to share with you to enjoy this time of year:
1- Holiday Markets

2- Giveaways
Here's all the info you need to enter to win a Roll On & Travel Candle from us, and some other great gifts from Nourish Kitchen, HOLD., Sitka, Some of a Kind, Drift & Nest, Anian, Hendrick Lou, Wawaha, and of course, KOOSHOO. Seriously, do it. Entries are only open until this Thursday December 14th!
3- Make time to play.
4- Finding some down time
Spend time outdoors, 'Nog & Netlfix, or yoga... for me its so important to make sure I can actually slow down and enjoy this time of year rather than get too caught up in the busy-ness of it.
My friends Maria Filippone, Katie Thacker and Carmen Spagnola are hosting a Winter Solstice yoga, mantra and intention setting yoga class at Uptown on December 21st from 7-9pm. I've got a lot of love and admiration for what each of these women do and I am pretty excited to see they are all collaborating together. See you there! Check the event out here
5- Winter Warming Recipes
Herbal Latte Mixes from Wholehearted Eats
I love Wholehearted Eats because Sophie is so creative with her recipes and they are organized like a menu on her website so its really easy to find something great to make.
Chocolate Turtle Bites from One Part Plant
To be honest I don't need the holidays to make these... I make them on casual Tuesdays. *Insiders tip- use a mini-muffin tin rather than a baking sheet... less messy, more turtley.
I found this website through Jessica Murnane's podcast, One Part Podcast. Check it out if you are looking for something new to listen to.
6- Mistletoe.
Hoping you all have a wonderful holiday season
Love Britt